Cut stump method is one of the most successful ways of eradicating woody weeds. Poison is sprayed directly onto the stump so that only the woody weed is targeted, leaving the surrounding flora and fauna unaffected. Utilising our specialised equipment, we can cut and poison simultaneously which is perfect for Chinee Apple, Parkinsonia, Mimosa, Rubber Vine and Prickly Acacia among others.
Mulching can selectively cut and mulch regrowth, trees and brush, which in turn allows the organic matter left behind to put nutrients back into the soil. This is a great method for fire fuel reduction and erosion control. Mulching is effective for thick infestations of Belly Ache Bush, Castor Oil Bush, Lantana, Blackberry Bush and Leccunea as it will allow landholders physical access into these areas afterwards to poison.
Using our custom built folding stick rake we can cover ground quickly, removing vegetation laying on the ground and pushing it into neat piles ready for burning.
Our slasher is high powered to tackle thick, tall grass and small brush quickly and effectively which is great for cleaning up around your block/paddock and for fire fuel reduction.
Utilising our 4x4 UTV equipped with spray tank we can get into the hard-to-reach areas safely and tackle your woody weeds.